Health is not the absence of disease but it is the state Of physical Mental and social well Being. We offer all kinds of alternative Health techniques like Ayurveda Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Homoeopathy Therapy for all kinds of Chronic and Complicated Disease. We have well qualified and trained Ayurved yoga homoeopathy doctors in our center.
We have Scientific and holistic Approach to treat all type of Chronic Disease Ayurved Yoga Homoeopathy Center established on Annapoorna road indore in 2008 with an aim to provide An integrated and excellent health care and Rehabilitation to all Chronically ill patient through Different types of therapies under one roof like Ayurveda, Panchkarma, (Cow Urine) Therapy Panchgavya Treatment, Yoga Therapy, Homoeopathy Therapy, Etc..... Ayurveda Panchkarma (Cow Urine) Therapy, Panchgavya Treatment, Yoga Therapy, Homoeopathy Therapy, Etc.....
MORE ABOUT USDr. Sandeep Mishra(Ayurved-Panchkarma -Panchgavya Specialist) has a very dynamic personality he treated all chronic Ailments through Ayurved panchgavya gomutra therapy panchkarma Herbal medicine and prevents all type of life Style disorders through the changing of life Style. He has Completed his B.A.M.S ( Govt. Dhanvantri ayurved medical College ujjain) Then completed CSD from mumbai and after Done M.D(AM).FRHS from Alternative Medicine Kolkata West Bengal.
He was appointed as a Chief Consultant and R&D Jain S Cow Urine Therapy and Spread research Knowledge abouted in all over India for incurable diseases and organized many more health Camps in all over India He is a Best Speaker and delivered Lectures about Lifestyle disorders, like diabetes, Hypertension, High cholesterol, and Triglyceride, Heart disease, Liver disease, And Cancer.